Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Etsy for Animals Helps The Animal of Haiti

The wonderful street team...Etsy for Animals is uniting
in an effort to raise funds to help the animals of Haiti.
Proceeds are being donated to: The WSPA... The World Society
for the Protection of Animals. please drop by their website
where you can find out what is being done and you can make
a direct contribution there also...the animals are running
out of time and need our help as do all the people of Haiti.
Click and help

Anyone who wants to list items to help, please put this in the title;
EFA WSPA Haiti Animal Relief; then as always, everyone can donate
directly to the charity; DONATIONS then submit their donation amounts here; EFA
For the latest news come and lend a helping hand...every little bit helps : )

1 comment:

mvegan said...

I'm so happy to be working w/EFA to help the WSPA's Haiti animal relief efforts, its so important. Thank you for sharing this here! ;0) Michele